So, the whole time I pretty much just sat there like deer in the headlights. I constantly felt like I was getting in the way or that I was in her "space." It's not that the girl acted like I was an annoyance, but I know people hate explaining things, especially if it's so easy to them. But, whatever, I'll get the hang of it. She was super nice and explained everything really well, and I wrote probably the most amount of notes I've ever written, I just hope she doesn't think I wasn't actually paying attention, because most people hate repeating themselves. That sentence was probably also a lot longer than it needed to be. Meh.
Me any time someone asked me to do something |
Since she is leaving in 19 days, February 18th to be exact, that means I have less than 3 weeks until I'm completely on my own. It kind of sucks I don't get a lunch break, but I was told there is always a little down time each hour, so that's good. I'm just excited that we don't open up 10, so I can actually go to the gym without having to get up at 5am. In case you didn't know, I am NOT a morning person. At all.
My poor boyfriend, he always gets the brunt of it... |
But anyway, today was a good day. I didn't have any crippling anxiety like I usually do when I first start, although I did show up an hour early. Not a lot of depressing feelings today either, so that was really good. Although I did have a minor break down when I realized my bank account was in the negatives again. I seriously can't wait until I start actually getting paychecks. I'm running out of things to sell. Never the less, I just hope these good thoughts can keep coming, because being sad is kind of exhausting. I did tell them I have anxiety, which I kind of wish I didn't do. I also might have lied a little and said that I totally have it under control and rarely have breakdowns. Oops...